Nobody talks about the hardship experienced by Adam and Eve
Like how on earth did Eve manage the birth of her first child…the growing belly and all. I can imagine how concerned she must have been, she must have wondered what was wrong with her, especially with no one to guide her.
Okay, how about when the child was born….how did she understand she had to breastfeed him, and you can imagine having a very tiny human without teeth and all of a sudden teeth start to poke out.
And Adam, it is written “when God expelled them out of the garden, he knew Eve for the very first time” who guided him on how to know Eve? How about if he did it the wrong way and we’ve just been doing it the wrong way since about if it’s meant to done through the abdomen?
So, Cain killed Abel and God cursed him to be somewhat mad roaming the surface of the earth…so, is it his generation that begot mental health issues and psychotic killing, one can argue that Jeffery Dahmer might be from his lineage.
Then the aging started to happen to Adam and Eve.
It must have been scary, seeing their skin wrinkle, basically everything in them withering away. Honestly I wonder how they managed. It must have been difficult being the first set of people to age.
Who died first? Adam or Eve?
In some bible versions Adam and Eve just had three children (Cain, Abel and Seth) who later married and multiplied.
My question is who did they marry and how did they multiply if they were just three men? Did God make some more women, or did they impregnate their mother, Eve or simply did Eve have daughters that ended up marrying the boys or better still, were there people already existing before Adam and Eve?
If, Eve had daughters who her sons ended up marrying which is the most plausible assertion, then, understandably we multiplied initially by incest and probably still multiplying by incest, because we’re all related in some way.
So, when Adam’s sons started to experience puberty, e.g wet dreams, genital growth, voice deepening. How could he assist them especially since he was created a man and never experienced puberty.
Likewise Eve, her daughters, if she had any. It must have been tough trying help them to figure all of these.
Daughters: Ooh mom I’m growing breast….what do I do??
Eve: I don’t know….usually we just wait things out and see what happens next.
It’s written that Eve appealed to Adam, but did Adam appeal to Eve? How about if she turned him down and said she was not interested?
Sometimes we can’t just understand why they couldn’t heed to one instruction “don’t eat of the tree of knowledge and of life…”it can’t be that hard” damn Adam and Eve!!.
But then I imagine how hard it must have been for them trying to navigate through everything…and I suddenly retract with “I’m good being a descendant”.
Imagine strolling one day and you’d stroll into the garden of Eden and get access to the tree of life…the world would definitely be yours.
I can’t be the only one going bonkers with these imaginations from the story of creation.